Chris Gray
I am very grateful to the Gordon Duncan Memorial Trust for their support towards my Master’s studies in Traditional Music at the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland in Glasgow.
Receiving this funding has made a huge difference to my studies and my life – it has lightened the load of the financial part of studying a Master’s degree. Beyond the financial element, the funding has allowed me to fulfil my ambition of studying at the Conservatoire and make the most of the surroundings to collaborate and learn from so many amazing people. The diversity of the Conservatoire means that the potential to learn and make new connections is infinite. Being in this special environment means I can truly focus on honing my skills whilst being surrounded by so many healthy influences.
Through studying at the RCS I have also had the opportunity to study abroad for a semester at the Royal College of Music (Stockholm, Sweden) – an experience which has positively impacted me in my ways. Whilst studying in Glasgow at RCS this last year I have also had many special opportunities to perform internationally in countries including Germany, France, Spain, Slovakia & New Zealand.
Overall, the support from the Gordon Duncan Memorial Trust has allowed me to push forward with my musical studies and career and I appreciate this hugely!