EPIC East Ayrshire Pipe Band Academy
When the covid pandemic took hold and the world went into lock down, funders who would normally support our project shut their doors and staff went on to furlough leaving funding applications unanswered. Yet this has been the time when our students and their parents/carers have needed us the most.
It is with great thanks that the Gordon Duncan Memorial Trust did not close their doors, but stepped forward to support our industry in these toughest of times. Thanks to their help, we have been able to deliver uninterrupted coaching and support to our young people, both in person when allowed and online when restricted. We were able to run a “Big Bagpipe Week” to transition our youngsters from chanter to bagpipes, and an October School to help prepare them for their first SCQF examinations which they all passed with ease, on top of our regular weekly tuition.
Thank you GDMT for looking after us when we needed it the most.